Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fuck your fucking face uncle fuckers

It is time, no it is past time, to bitch once more about the dreadful ceaseless hole into which i have been tumbling these past six months.

things i have learned about my company today:
1. Staff vacation accrual has been cut from 8 hours a month to 6.
2. The office is suddenly open and to be fully staffed the day after Thanksgiving.
3. There will be no cost of living increases nor "merrit" raises this fiscal year. *note- we have never received merit increases in this office.*
4. Staff must take vacation overage at times set forth by the company.
5. All employees are to report (even the suspicion of) non compliant behavior by any other employee of the company to our annonymous company "tip-line".

i would rather stick hot, rusty needles under my fingernails while floating in a barrel of salted lemon juice than remain in the employ of this increasingly satanic big brother organization.

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